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Verifone opkøbt af kapitalfonden Francisco Partners

Verifone får nye ejere

19. august 2018
Verifone er opkøbt af Francisco Partners

Verifone får nye ejere

I april indgik en investorgruppe ledet af Francisco Partners, et førende teknologifokuseret private equity firma, en intentionsaftale om opkøb af Verifone. Overtagelsen er nu gennemført og og ny CEO i Verifone, Mike Pulli siger følgende:

“The closing of this transaction represents a new and exciting chapter for Verifone as we seek to continue the transformation of Verifone from a terminal sales company to a leading provider of payments and commerce solutions. Francisco Partners brings deep industry expertise in payments technology, systems and software that will help Verifone execute on its vision for the future. Together, we look forward to leveraging and further accelerating Verifone’s technology to drive value for Verifone’s merchant customers and channel partners around the world.”

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